Discovery zone
On this page you can find posts about interesting things happening in the Icelandic fish world. This can be posts on angling, education or research projects that are running at the moment. But so much more!
Veisla þorláks helga
By Bjarni Kristjánsson | Discovery zone
Hver er ilmur jólanna? Fyrir marga íslendinga er algjörlega nauðsynlegt að fá í bland við hangikjöt, jólatré og smákökuilm smá lykt af kæstri skötu. Kæst skata er víða borðuð á Íslandi á Þorláksmessu 23. desember, til að draga úr sterkri skötulyktinni er of soðið jólahangikjötið eftir skötuveisluna. Sumir eru þó viðkvæmir fyrir lyktinni og sjóða […]
The feast of St. Þorlákur
By Bjarni Kristjánsson | Discovery zone
What is the aroma of Christmas? For many Icelanders Christmas smells like a mix of smoked lamb meat, Christmas tree, cookies and a little bit of fermented skate, called Skata. In Iceland Skata is traditionally eaten on the day before Christmas, Þorláksmessa (23. December; celebrating St. Þorlákur). Skata has a very strong smell because of […]
When scientists go to sea…
By Alessandra Schnider | Discovery zone
Last June I applied for a networking and training event with no expectations at all. Little did I know what a fantastic journey lay ahead of me and all the beautiful people I would get to meet. But let us start at the beginning… In late 2023 two associations for Polar Early Career Scientist, UK […]
Mývatn Research Anniversary Conference
By Alessandra Schnider | Discovery zone
Lake Mývatn has been studied by people for decades, but projects really picked up when the Mývatn research station was founded 50 years ago. With Árni Einarsson as the head of the research station, scientists came together and many projects have been spearheaded through the years. Especially long-term monitoring in collaboration with the University of […]
Books on aquatic fauna
By Michelle Valliant | Discovery zone
Vitor asked us a great question if we knew about any books on Icelandic aquatic fauna that would help someone understand the importance of fish research. So we compiled a list! (With a thank you to Bjarni Kristófer Kristjánsson who kindly sent us his recommendations). Most of these books are in Icelandic but we […]
Tracking Arctic charr in Thingvallavatn
By Lieke Ponsioen | Discovery zone
While research on Arctic charr (“bleikja”) in Thingvallavatn has been going on for decades (and the earliest studies even going back to the early 1900s!), a lot of knowledge on their behaviour is unknown. This is because getting information on fish behaviour in their natural environment is very hard. It is way easier to get […]
Komdu að veiða, með Páli Tryggvasyni
By Alessandra Schnider | Discovery zone
Translated into Icelandic by Inga Birna Pálsdóttir. Í dag fögnum við öllu því fólki sem kennir okkur og börnunum okkar á náttúruna sem við búum í. Það er einstök gjöf að hafa einhvern í lífi sínu sem eyðir tíma með þér í náttúrunni og vekur áhuga þinn á henni. Hjá mér var það afi minn […]
Come fishing with Páll Tryggvason
By Alessandra Schnider | Discovery zone
Today we celebrate all the people that teach us and our kids about the nature we all live in. Having someone in your life that takes you into nature and gets you excited about it is a wonderful gift! For me it was my grandpa that took me with him whenever he went to work […]