The origin story of Ice Fish Research

The origin story
Setting the stage
On a Saturday morning in April 2024, we all made our way to the University of Iceland campus for a science communication workshop organized by the Icelandic Ecological Society (Vistís). We had no idea what to expect beyond a free lunch. So there we were: four doctoral students of Háskóli Íslands who all work with different types of fish. Theresa works with Flounder (Flundra), Michelle with Cod (Þorskur), Lieke with Arctic charr (Bleikja), and Alessandra with Stickleback (Hornsíli). We had met before at various student events and conferences and always had a good time together, so it was not surprising that we all ended up sitting next to each other.
When inspiration strikes
Anaïs Remili (founder of Whale Scientists) was invited to show us how one can get started in science communication and how much fun it can be. We had heard other people talk about WHAT science communication is, but Anaïs was giving us step-by-step instructions on HOW we can share science. Filipa Samarra (founder of Icelandic Orca Project) and Edda Elisabet Magnusdottir (founder of Icelandic Winter Whales), who organized the workshop, were there in the room to further encourage us that we can actually do this. The amazing work and encouragement of these women inspired each of us so much that we all wanted to get involved and give back to the community that welcomed us with open arms.
From coffee to launch
So in the next break, we all got talking and brainstorming over coffee. Two weeks later Ice Fish Research was officially born. Within less than two months we built a website, and social media and formally started a collaboration with BioDice. It was hard work figuring it all out, but feeling the support of the other team members made it all easier and added so much fun. The positive feedback from our colleagues further motivated us that what we are doing is important and needed. On the 27th of May 2024, we officially went live and are now looking forward to all the interesting people and their work we get to share with all of you.
And if we made you curious, you can also follow Icelandic Orca project (FB & IG @icelandic.orcas), Icelandic Winter Whales (FB & IG @IcelandicWinterWhales) and Whale Scientists (FB & IG @WhaleScientists).